What if?
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- A Thousand Times
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- The Pooches
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Random Facts About Ev
Ev is pronounced like "ehv"—think ever or every—not “eve” or “E-V.” I’m a new indie author and A Thousand Times is my first work of fiction ever. French is my first language and I still speak it fluently. I love building websites with Wordpress, although I don't have as much time to…
The “What if?” that Sparked A Thousand Times
At night before I go to sleep, I like to watch music videos on YouTube. Yeah, I know, the blue screen isn't conducive to a good night's sleep, but it helps me unwind. When I watch them, I often get in the mood for a specific artist or genre, and I'll…
It’s National Hot Tea Day!
A Thousand Times is 99 cents but for today, January 12th, only! In A Thousand Times, when Earl Grey tea is served in Old Country Roses fine china, it's the Bolan family’s cure-all for anything that ails them, whether it's a broken arm or a broken heart. Not only that but, after a…
A Bit More Time Playlist
Like I did with A Thousand Times, I used song titles for as chapter titles for A Bit More Time as well, choosing songs whose titles and lyrics convey the mood of each chapter. This time, the result is a very short but fun mix of 1992 grunge / alt rock…
And Another Happy Hello
After losing Mia, hubs and I had absolutely no intention of adopting another pooch, at least not any time soon. None. We were beyond heartbroken and needed time to grieve. But short story shorter, Elle was taken into care at our local dog rescue organization after being dumped at a shelter…
A Bit More Time is Coming Soon!
After releasing A Thousand Times, I was raring to start on the second novel of my In Time series, especially as I already had a story and new characters that I really love. What I didn't expect was feeling a little burned out by the craziness of my book release. It…
Read an Indie
I'm an indie author who supports my fellow indies in various ways, including reading their books. This has introduced me to various genres, sub-genres, and age groups I might not have otherwise read. Check out some of those indie books!
Another Sad Farewell
A week ago today, we had another pooch cross the Rainbow Bridge. This time, it was Mia the Pom. She passed suddenly in her daddy's arms as a result of a reaction to a medication. We adopted Mia, a puppy mill rescue, over a decade ago. From the moment we brought…
A Sprayed Edge
So this happened! A talented family member surprised me with a copy of my book with a sprayed edge. It goes without saying that it takes pride of place on my bookshelf! A Thousand Times isn't a thick paperback which meant that she wasn't able to use the pocket watch graphic…
My Paperback is Here!
My A Thousand Time author copies have finally arrived! There was a brief delay of over a week, which meant that readers who ordered their copies at the same time as me received theirs before I did mine. LOL Regardless, my book is here now and I'm holding two-and-a-half years of…
It’s Launch Day!
There were times when I thought this day would never come, but after over two years and nine revisions, 𝘈 𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 is finally finished! As soon as I completed my first draft of ATT, I was certain it would be ready for publication in no time, but, like I explained…
A Thousand Times Playlist
Since music plays such a big part in Liv and Zak’s story, I used songs as chapter titles in A Thousand Times. I chose songs whose titles and lyrics convey the mood of each chapter. The result is a fun but rather eclectic mix of songs and genres. The Spotify and…
F*ck Checks
You've heard of writers needing to do fact checks, right? How about fuck checks? Yeah, well, I have to do both. In a previous post, I mentioned that revision is the bane of my existence and this hasn't changed. Not even a little bit. That said, although I'm still revising A…
A Happy Hello
Hubs and I just adopted another pooch! It's been seven months since we said goodbye to our beloved Lena and although he can never replace her, Clyde has filled a dog-sized hole in our hearts. Like all our pooches, he's a rescue because rescued is our favorite breed. Sadly, his circumstances…
The Bane of My Existence
Let me tell you a fairytale... Once upon a time—in a land far, far away—a woman got a cool idea for a story. A novel, she thought, gleefully rubbing her hands together. So, with a twinkle in her eye, the new writer sat at her laptop and typed her little heart…
A Little Help From My Friends
A while back, I emailed a popular author to let him know how much I enjoyed his then-latest novel. I didn't expect him to write back, but he did, and he thanked me for contacting him. He said finding my email in his inbox was a "pleasant surprise," given that writing…
A Sad Farewell
I introduced you to Lena the Sheltie in this post, Two Pooches & a Sherpa. What I didn't tell you is that hubs and I adopted her from a local dog rescue and while she had an incredibly sad story, somehow, there was still hope in her beautiful eyes. Sadly, Lena…
Two Pooches & a Sherpa
Though the writing of a novel itself is pretty much a solitary endeavor, I’ve had a lot of encouragement and support from my family, my friends, and my writing community while making my dream of completing and publishing A Thousand Times become a reality. The thing is, it’s those at home…