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Random Facts About Ev

  1. Ev is pronounced like “ehv”—think ever or every—not “eve” or “E-V.”
  2. I’m a new indie author and A Thousand Times is my first work of fiction ever.
  3. French is my first language and I still speak it fluently.
  4. I love building websites with WordPress, although I don’t have as much time to do it as I’d like.
  5. I have a little pig statue on my desk. Her name is Bacon and she gives me accusing stares—like the one she’s giving you now—when I’m not doing something writerly.
  6. I’m super camera-shy and absolutely hate being filmed or photographed.
  7. My pooches are always rescues because “rescued” is the best breed.
  8. I love bloody, gory horror movies but practically faint at the sight of blood in real life.
  9. My favorite board game is Clue, but only when there are at least four players. Otherwise, it’s too easy.
  10. Certain sounds really bother me and one of my biggest pet peeves is people cracking their knuckles. It sends shivers up my spine. Give me nails on a chalkboard any day.
  11. I hate clothes or shoe shopping with a passion and only go out of absolute necessity. Without a lie, I’d almost rather get a root canal. Almost.
  12. I love roller coasters but haven’t been on one in years.
  13. My hubs is my person and my world is a far better place because he’s in it.
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